Sunday, July 24, 2011

India's Prahaar new short range surface-to surface Missile

Prahaar (Sanskrit:प्रहार, Strike) is a solid fueled surface-to-surface guided short-range tactical ballistic missile by DRDO of India. It would be equipped with omni-directional warheads and could be used for hitting both tactical and strategic targets.

Prahar is developed to provide an cost effective, quick reaction, all weather, all terrain, highly accurate battle field support tactical system.

This solid fueled missile can be launched within 2–3 minutes without any preparation providing significantly better reaction time than liquid fueled Prithvi ballistic missiles and act as a gap filler in the 150 km range, between the Pinaka Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher and Smerch MBRL in one end and the Prithvi ballistic missiles on the other.

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