Boar bristles were used until 1938, when nylon bristles were introduced by Dupont de Nemours. The first nylon toothbrush was called Doctor West's Miracle Toothbrush.The first nylon toothbrush was called Doctor West's Miracle Toothbrush.
Some other interesting toothbrush facts:
The first mass-produced toothbrush was made by William Addis of Clerkenwald, England, around 1780.
The first American to patent a toothbrush was H. N. Wadsworth, (patent number 18,653,) on Nov. 7, 1857.
Mass production of toothbrushes began in America around 1885.
One of the first electric toothbrushes to hit the American market was in 1960. It was marketed by the Squibb company under the name Broxodent.
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